Nike - The Bacon Book


Nike - The Bacon Book

Nike - The Bacon Book

One of the stranger projects I’ve ever done, the Nike bacon book was created as a fun giveaway piece for people who attended a division team building retreat.

The book was bound in white faux leather and foil stamped. Inside the notebook was divided into three sections focusing on 3 famous Bacons; The scientist Sir Francis Bacon, The painter Francis Bacon, and the actor Kevin Bacon. Each section contained bio pages, an illustrated portrait, and ~64 usable pages, each with it’s own factoid about bacon. The end of the book also had a variety of bacon stats, bacon activities, and bacon illustrations.

Nike "Go" Onboarding HR Kit

Nike "Go" Onboarding HR Kit

When top level hires are brought on to Nike they receive this onboarding kit. Full of useful info, motivation, and to-do lists this kit makes sure their first 30 days at Nike are off to a (rather stylish) bang!

 Additional Packaging Concepts

Additional Packaging Concepts